Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Reflections from students of BPPS

Dear students from BPPS,

I want to thank you for hosting the students from KWMWPS. We had a really good time. Thanks for showing us hospitality and kindness. We really appreciate it.

I have a small homework for you. Can you write your reflection about the day that we spent with you? Tell me what you have learnt from collaborating, interacting and communicating with our students. Let me know how we can make the exchange better. I really hope that you had a good time interacting with our students. I'm sure our students had a superb time!

Hope to see you soon again!


Reflections from students of KWMWPS

Dear students from KWMWPS,

I'm sure you have all reached home safely. I hope that you really had good time in Singapore. I'm sure you got to know your friends and teachers a lot better and you made some new friends with students from Singapore too.

I have a small homework for you. I want you to write your reflections of the trip on the blog. I want you to write what you have learnt, how you feel about the trip and what you think could be done better for the trip. The reflection will be good for both you and the teachers.

And students, I'll see ya soon! And enjoy the rest of your holidays.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 5 of the Singapore School Trip

Today was the students last day in Singapore. When I spoke to some of the students, they had mixed feelings about going home. They are happy to go home as they miss their family but at the same time, they would like to stay longer in Singapore as they had a great time hanging out with their friends.

The students had to wake early as they had to check out of the hotel at 8 in the morning. After checking out of the hotel, we went to Botanic Garden. The students enjoyed walking around seeing nature around them. The students enjoyed taking photos of flowers, plants, squirrels and even swans!

After Botanic Garden, we went to the Newater Plant. At the Newater Plant we learnt how Singapore recycles used water into clean water. It was a great learning experience for all.

From the Newater Plant, we went to a restaurant nearby for lunch. After lunch, it was off to the airport for the students to check in and leave for Hong Kong. They were happy and tired faces around. Some students bought cakes for their family. It was really nice of them to remember that their parents love eating cakes.

Soon it was time for me to say goodbye to the kids, teachers and principal. I really had a good time exploring Singapore with them. I hope to see them in Singapore again during the holidays! And kids, I hope that you had lots of fun! And I'll see you in Hong Kong on the 12th of April. Bye! Have a good time during the holidays!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 4 of the Singapore School Trip

This morning, the students were extra excited because they were going to meet their buddies. Before coming to Singapore, they had communicated with each other for about three times over skype. When they met their buddies at the school, they were so happy. They chatted with each other, worked together on their project work and even presented their project together. Our students had a small taste of studying in Singapore as they had lunch together with their buddies in the school canteen. They had so much interacting with them. They even exchanged presents with their buddies. After lunch, the students from both schools had a small games time with each other. They played happily together. They were sad when their time with their buddies were up. However, it will not just end today, they will continue communicating with each other to building a long lasting friendship.

After leaving the school, the students went for a short shopping trip in Vivo City. I'm sure the students would like to have more time but we were rushing to have dinner so that we can head to Night Safari early.

It was to Night Safari after dinner. The students had so much fun seeing the animals in the night despite the rain. They wished that they could take more photos but it was difficult as flash photography was not allowed.

I'm sure the students would have problems sleeping tonight!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 3 of the Singapore School Trip

Today was a day of walking and exploring for the students. The morning started with the students taking a morning walk at the Treetop Walk. The students took a nice long walk in MacRitchie Nature Reserve to admire the natural surroundings. They saw lots of monkeys, birds and different kinds of insects too. For some of the students, it was their first encounter in nature. Towards the end of the walk, they went up a suspended bridge and took a walk above the trees. It was an experience for the students.
The students walking through the nature reserve going towards the suspension bridge.
The students walking on the suspended bridge. The bridge is about 250 metres long and about 25 metres above the ground.

After the Treetop Walk, the students had lunch and went back to the hotel for a short rest and a change of clothes to get them ready for Sentosa.

After taking a short rest at the hotel, it was off to Sentosa. The students were very excited when they went past Universal Studios. When we got to Sentosa, we went to Underwater World. The students were very excited when they walked through the tunnel admiring the marine life.

We also saw a Sealion show. Our student, Rayman was very happy and excited as he was chosen to throw rings at the sealion. He did a very good job working with the sealion.

After the sealion show, we also watched a show of pink dolphins. The dolphins did lots of tricks. It was a fun show to watch!

When the students got to the hotel, the students had a nice surprise, especially Ivy. She was happy that she got a cake and her friends sang her a birthday song.
Come back tomorrow to read about our students interacting and working with the students from Singapore.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 2 of the Singapore School Trip

The students woke up early and started off the day with their breakfast at 8 am in the morning. The picture below was taken at breakfast this morning.

After breakfast, the students gathered in the lobby to get ready to head out for the day. Wow, look at them! How cool they look.

The first thing we did when we got to Little India was to go to a supermarket to get some snacks and drinks. The students had a great time shopping at the supermarket. Look at those happy smiles!
We took a stroll along the streets of Little India. The students were able to listen and have a look at the Indian culture in Singapore.
For most students, it was also their first time entering a Hindu Temple. They went in to have a look and see how the Hindus worship in their temple.
The next stop we were at was Kampong Glam. We stopped at the Malay Heritage Museum to take photos. Apparently, it used to be a palace for a sultan.

From Kampong Glam, we headed off for lunch at Marina Square's Seoul Garden. The students enjoyed grilling and boiling their lunch.
After lunch, the students were very excited as they went on the Singapore Flyer to have a Bird's Eye view of Singapore. They were very excited taking pictures from different angles.
From Singapore we went to Marina Barrage to learn about Singapore's latest reservoir. The students also learnt how important water is for Singaporeans.
The students also had great fun taking lots of photos on the little park above the Marina Barrage. You can see the Singapore Flyer in the background and also the Sands Casino which will be opening soon.

Next, we headed to URA City Gallery to have a look at Singapore's government planning of the country. It also showed how the government of Singapore plans for new buildings and yet preserves old buildings with heritage value.

We took a walk to Chinatown after that. The tour guide explained some of the meanings and history of the street names.

Finally it was the time that everyone was waiting for. We had dinner at Maxwell Road Food Centre. The students had a good time ordering and buying their own food. It was quite an experience.

Last night, I forgot to upload pictures of the hotel rooms. Some of the students decided that they wanted to join the beds together as they like sleeping and being close to their friends. I spoke to the students and they told me that they like the hotel room because it's big and spacious.

That's all for today. Come back tomorrow night for another update. Hope you had fun reading the activities of today.