Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Environmental Protection

Dear Students from Bukit Panjang and Ma Wan,

These are questions on the environmental protection in Singapore that you can discuss about.

1) Does your school use solar energy facilities? What does your school use to harvest solar energy?
2) How does your school encourage the students to be more aware of being environmental friendly?
3) How is the domestic waste handled by the government?
4) What are the regulations on vehicles on the road to help reduce the emission of greenhouse gas?
5) What are the regulations and restrictions set by the government to reduce waste? (In Hong Kong, there is a levy of $0.50 on each plastic bag.

Have fun discussing these questions above!



  1. 1)what is Singapone famous for?Why it is famous?How do it come from?

    5E Cheong sum yin

  2. Hi, I am Kwok Tao from 5B in Hong Kong. Our school use solar energy for lighting. Our school will give gifts to our recycling behaviour.
