Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 4 of the Singapore School Trip

This morning, the students were extra excited because they were going to meet their buddies. Before coming to Singapore, they had communicated with each other for about three times over skype. When they met their buddies at the school, they were so happy. They chatted with each other, worked together on their project work and even presented their project together. Our students had a small taste of studying in Singapore as they had lunch together with their buddies in the school canteen. They had so much interacting with them. They even exchanged presents with their buddies. After lunch, the students from both schools had a small games time with each other. They played happily together. They were sad when their time with their buddies were up. However, it will not just end today, they will continue communicating with each other to building a long lasting friendship.

After leaving the school, the students went for a short shopping trip in Vivo City. I'm sure the students would like to have more time but we were rushing to have dinner so that we can head to Night Safari early.

It was to Night Safari after dinner. The students had so much fun seeing the animals in the night despite the rain. They wished that they could take more photos but it was difficult as flash photography was not allowed.

I'm sure the students would have problems sleeping tonight!

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