Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 5 of the Singapore School Trip

Today was the students last day in Singapore. When I spoke to some of the students, they had mixed feelings about going home. They are happy to go home as they miss their family but at the same time, they would like to stay longer in Singapore as they had a great time hanging out with their friends.

The students had to wake early as they had to check out of the hotel at 8 in the morning. After checking out of the hotel, we went to Botanic Garden. The students enjoyed walking around seeing nature around them. The students enjoyed taking photos of flowers, plants, squirrels and even swans!

After Botanic Garden, we went to the Newater Plant. At the Newater Plant we learnt how Singapore recycles used water into clean water. It was a great learning experience for all.

From the Newater Plant, we went to a restaurant nearby for lunch. After lunch, it was off to the airport for the students to check in and leave for Hong Kong. They were happy and tired faces around. Some students bought cakes for their family. It was really nice of them to remember that their parents love eating cakes.

Soon it was time for me to say goodbye to the kids, teachers and principal. I really had a good time exploring Singapore with them. I hope to see them in Singapore again during the holidays! And kids, I hope that you had lots of fun! And I'll see you in Hong Kong on the 12th of April. Bye! Have a good time during the holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Ms Faith,
    Thanks for your support in planning the trip and during the trip. You give us a great experience too!^^

    Miss Fong
